
The last three films I’ve watched:

I know I’m decades late, but finally got round to watching American Psycho. Absolutely loved it from the very beginning. There are many different interpretations of this film, but I found it very funny, and saw it as a biting satire on the 80’s Yuppie life. So many scenes I loved – like the credit card scene – that pass so quickly but on reflection are genius level funny. This is definitely a film to watch more than once. My Score: 8.5/10

Wow. I honestly don’t know how some peoples minds can think of plots as dark and scary as this. I chose this film to watch at the cinema and didn’t realise it was a thriller because Hugh Grant is the lead. This is a challenging, very different and mature role for Hugh grant – his performance is excellent. So scary! I felt on edge the whole time and wanted to cry for the 2 girls in the film. I can’t believe people watch things like this for entertainment I was so afraid I didnt touch my popcorn 😂 My Score: 5/10 if you’re not a psychopath. 9/10 if you like this sort of thing.

Based on a true story, I found this film to be very engaging. My reservations are less about the film itself (it was well acted and well directed, they couldn’t have done much more, whilst maintaining true to the original story), more that when I think about the black films I really enjoy, they typically aren’t centred around social justice, as in my leisure time I prefer being entertained than taught a lesson. Black films I prefer are blaxploitation films, American Fiction, Boyz n the Hood… films with humour and energy. I also feel (a bit like the constant stream of WW2 films, despite the fact that so so many other wars have happened since) it’s a sort of laziness relying on certain historical moments to get an audience in. Why not make a film that’s relevant to what’s happening today? Anyway, My Score: 7.5/10

Was very excited to watch this one! Really enjoyed the general premise of the film, though the plot was a rip off of Sunset Boulevard. Demi Moores performance is great, but the totally absurd and OTT ending felt like massive insecurity on the part of the director. One thing I don’t enjoy in films is when plots that are mostly plausible, randomly at the end become total science-fiction level unbelievable. It was entertaining, but so much more could have been done with the character development and I really didn’t like the ending. My Score: 7/10